Dec. 10, 1962 - Richard G. Kleindienst (pictured), Arizona Republican Party state chairman, said today he thinks Senator Barry Goldwater will take a hard look at developments in the next few months before he makes any final decision on whether to plunge into the Republican Presidential nomination race. “Senator Goldwater is a patriot,” Mr. Kleindienst said. “If sufficient political and financial support develops to indicate he has a chance to be nominated and elected, I am sure he would consider it.” The Arizona chairman took issue with Senator Goldwater’s own position that he can’t pursue the Presidential nomination without endangering his chances of being re-elected to the Senate in Arizona in 1964. Mr. Kleindienst said he thinks Mr. Goldwater could go into some of the early Presidential primaries, and if he found his support in them unsatisfactory, could run again for the Senate.
