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Attorney General Kennedy is Welcomed to Tokyo

Feb. 4, 1962 - Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy’s six-day visit to Japan began this evening with a noisy welcome at the airport in Tokyo. Dozens of newsmen, photographers, and students milled around Mr. Kennedy and his wife, Ethel. The police had to clear a path to their car. Apparently, the young Attorney General has caught the Japanese imagination. He is regarded as a special envoy from his brother, the President. Mr. Kennedy began a brief arrival speech with a few words of Japanese that he had learned on the plane from Honolulu to Tokyo. These were to the effect that “my brother, the President, sends all of you good wishes.” The crowd laughed and applauded. The Attorney General went on, in English, to say that he wanted to see Japan’s factories, farms, and universities. “Above all,” he added, “we want to meet the people of Japan.” The entire ceremony was televised for later broadcast throughout the country.


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