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British Fascist Kicked and Punched

Sept. 2, 1962 - Sir Oswald Mosley (center), former member of Parliament and founder of the British Union of Fascists, was kicked and punched today as a turbulent crowd of 3,000 in London’s East End broke up a meeting of his followers. Forty-four persons were arrested. Police reinforcements attempted to protect Sir Oswald. His first dozen words were drowned out by the crowd’s screams. After two minutes, he left at the suggestion of the police. Sir Oswald had gone to Bethnal Green to speak in favor of a united Europe, his aides said, and had selected the East End because he had supporters there. Opponents said he had gone there to antagonize the large Jewish population. Today’s was the latest in a series of outdoor meetings sponsored by three British Fascist or neo-Fascist organizations. Their anti-Negro, anti-Jewish speakers have attracted larger and larger crowds and greater violence.


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