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Connally Resigns Post, Will Run for Texas Governor

Dec. 11, 1961 - Secretary of the Navy John B. Connally Jr. announced his resignation today. President Kennedy appointed another Texan, Fred Korth, to succeed him. Mr. Connally announced at a news conference in Fort Worth, Tex., that he would seek the governorship of Texas next year. Mr. Connally has been a political associate of Vice President Johnson for many years, but his political philosophy tends to be more conservative than Mr. Johnson’s. As a successful Texas oilman, he is believed to have the support of the powerful Texas business community. Thus, he is a figure around whom the often-warring factions of the Texas Democratic party might be able to unite at a time when Republican strength in the state is on the increase. The resignation of Mr. Connally will take effect Dec. 20.


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