Dec. 25, 1962 - Manuel Artime (pictured in May 1961), one of the leaders of the abortive 1961 Cuban invasion, today called on all the governments of the Western Hemisphere to join military forces against the Castro regime. He said such unity could “topple the Cuban Communist rule within a week.” Mr. Artime, 30, emphasized, however, that the ransomed invasion prisoners themselves are determined to return in a new attack to overthrow Castro. “We have given our word to our dead, to the Cuban people, and to the free world that we will liberate Cuba or die in the attempt,” Mr. Artime said. Speaking at a press conference in Miami less than 24 hours after his release from prison, Mr. Artime said: “We shall return.” “The government of the Americas,” he declared, “including the U.S., must unite under the flag of the Organization of American States to take military action that will overthrow Castro and his regime, which constitutes the beachhead for Communist infiltration in the Western hemisphere.”