June 24, 1962 - A photograph of a cat named Etti-Cat will soon appear in 3,000 of the New York Transit Authority’s 6,500 subway cars. Etti-Cat is portrayed as a polite creature advocating the Authority’s campaign for courtesy and proper etiquette. The first picture shows Etti-Cat with his mouth open, as though speaking. On the poster are the words, “Please. Sorry. Thanks.” The authority recommends the words as “magic” in promoting pleasant riding. When an authority spokesman was asked for information about Etti-Cat — as a real cat, that is — the spokesman pointed out the authority’s announcement, which said: “Charles L. Patterson, T.A. Chairman, indicated that if Etti-Cat is adopted by the public he will hold a news conference for the pet so that riders can learn more about the new subway mascot.”
