May 14, 1962 - Former President Eisenhower said today that America was at the dawn of her destiny, the brightness of which would depend on dedication to God and country. Prior to a Military Day program in Philadelphia’s Academy of Music, General Eisenhower was honored by marching units of the 28th Infantry Division, Pennsylvania National Guard, and the Valley Forge Military Academy’s band, color guard, and drum and bugle corps. As part of the academy program, General Eisenhower received the Union League’s Gold Medal for Distinguished Service. In his speech, Gen. Eisenhower said that only Americans themselves could imperil the attainment of the nation’s destiny. They could do this, he said, by forfeiting “individual opportunity in exchange for governmentally guaranteed security,” or by abandoning the “path of proved principles and ways and ideals to concentrate on selfish profit or soft life.” “Should we, as a people, ever weaken in our conscious love of country, then our nation will be in grave danger,” he said.
