Oct. 28, 1963 - Former Senator Tom Connally of Texas (pictured in 1949), a Democratic stalwart of the Senate for many years and one of its most effective debaters, died at his Washington home today at the age of 86. Pneumonia was given as the cause of death. The day before he made his final appearance on the Senate floor, Jan. 3, 1953, Mr. Connally was clearing out the desk in the office he had occupied since 1929 when some old newspaper friends dropped by. One asked him what he considered the highlights of his 36-year career in Washington (he had served 12 years in the House before going to the Senate). “There were two roles in which I take particular pride, since you ask,” he said. “One was the successful fight against President Roosevelt’s proposal to enlarge the Supreme Court in 1937. The other is the work I did at San Francisco in the creation of the United Nations.” President Kennedy and Vice President Johnson were among those eulogizing the Texas politician. “During his 36 years on The Hill, the Senator served his state and nation with great distinction,” the President said. Vice President Johnson, who was once Connally’s junior colleague in the Senate from Texas, called him “one of the authentic giants of the century.” Former President Harry S. Truman said he was “shocked and bewildered” to hear of former Senator Connally’s death. “I hardly know what to say,” Mr. Truman said from his home in Independence, Mo. “This is such a shock I can’t immediately find words to express my grief.” Texas Governor John Connally is not related to the late Senator Connally.
