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General Patton’s Sign to Attend Army War College

Nov. 19, 1963 - Another George S. Patton is rising in the Army. Lieutenant Colonel Patton (left), son of the dashing “blood and guts” tank general of World War II, has been chosen to attend the Army War College starting next August. The Army selects its most promising officers for its War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pa. The offspring of several outstanding World War II and Korean War generals have been chosen. Lieut. Col. John S.D. Eisenhower, son of the former President, was picked last year, but he resigned his commission and entered business. Gen. George S. Patton Jr. was considered by many the most colorful Army figure in World War II. He was fatally injured in an automobile accident near Mannheim, Germany, about eight months after the war in Europe ended. General Patton’s son was graduated from West Point and became a second lieutenant about five months after the general died. He commands an armored battalion at Fort Hood, Tex.


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