Sept. 29, 1963 - The New York Giants regained their dignity and their winning ways at the expense of the Eagles today, routing the Philadelphians, 37-14. This game was an easy one for the winners, thanks to that 36-year-old marvel, Y.A. Tittle, who used Franklin Field as an operating table in dissecting the Eagle defense before 60,671 mostly hostile witnesses. The New York defensive platoon, in a virtual coma at Pittsburgh a week ago, came alive and gave Tittle his opportunities by intercepting five passes and recovering one fumble. The final Giant score was a 71-yard touchdown run by fullback Joe Morrison (pictured), and the blocking belonged in a textbook. “It’s called a dive end run,” said Morrison, “and we must run it thousands of times in practice. Alex [Webster] has made this play go for years. The two guards pull out, and when Kenny Byers blocked their cornerback out, I cut inside and had a clear field. It’s a nice feeling, I’ll tell you.” Morrison, subbing for the injured Webster, ran for 120 yards. He’s the Giants’ utility man who can play end, slot back, or fullback. “Morrison was remarkable,” Giants’ coach Allie Sherman said. “A utility man in football is not like one in baseball. It’s much tougher to play different positions in football than it is for an infielder to switch around in baseball.” Sherman was tickled to win after taking a 31-0 licking from the Steelers last week. “It was a good one because the Eagles wanted this one bad too. And they have played better than they have all year.” The Eagle coach, Nick Skorich, had a game plan, reasoning that if the Steelers could run on the Giants as they did last Sunday, then so could the Eagles. That was asking too much of his offensive line, however, and Skorich lost his seventh straight game to New York. “Too many mistakes,” said Skorich.
