May 4, 1963 - New York Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller and Mrs. Margaretta Fitler Murphy were married today in a surprise ceremony at the home of the Governor’s brother, Laurance S. Rockefeller, in Pocantico Hills, N.Y. The ceremony was performed at noon by the Rev. Marshall L. Smith of the Union Church of Pocantico Hills. Mr. Smith is an ordained clergyman of the United Presbyterian Church. The Governor, 54, is a Baptist. The bride, 36, is an Episcopalian. The double-ring ceremony lasted 15 minutes. Only the immediate members of the bride’s and groom’s family attended the ceremony. The Governor and his bride — whose nickname is “Happy” — will leave today for a three-week wedding trip to Monte Sacro, one of Mr. Rockefeller’s ranches in Venezuela. The wedding came after months of rumors that Mrs. Murphy was to become Mrs. Rockefeller. These rumors became insistent after April 19, when it was announced that Mrs. Murphy had obtained a divorce in Idaho from Dr. James Slater Murphy, a 40-year-old virologist at the Rockefeller Institute in New York. Mrs. Murphy’s 14-year marriage was terminated on the ground of “grievous mental anguish.” A similar ground was used by Mrs. Mary Todhunter Clark Rockefeller when, after 31 years of marriage, she divorced the Governor in Reno 14 months ago.
