Mar. 14, 1962 - Following are the highlights of President Kennedy’s news conference today:
Berlin — The President said Soviet harassment in the Berlin air corridors made it more difficult to get an accord on Belin. Secretary of State Dean Rusk is protesting vigorously at Geneva.
Disarmament — He made public a letter to Mr. Rusk putting priority on achieving a nuclear test ban at the Geneva conference. He said it would be in the United States’ interests to have no more tests by anyone and appeared to modify somewhat his emphasis on safeguards against secret preparations for testing.
Foreign Aid — The President said his program was necessary to fight communism in the underdeveloped countries and that it would be “most unwise” to cut his requested appropriation.
Politics — Mr. Kennedy said his youngest brother, Edward M. Kennedy, was running “on his own” for the Democratic nomination for Senator from Massachusetts, and refused to comment on his candidacy.

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