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Hitchcock to Use Electronic Sound in “The Birds”

Dec. 13, 1962 - Alfred Hitchcock will be making the already offbeat “The Birds” even more so. The forthcoming picture from the Master of Suspense will have no music “as such” but instead, electronic sound. This will be supplied by Remi Gassman and Oskar Sala in Berlin, where Mr. Hitchcock will fly today. He will be accompanied by Bernard Herrmann, who has scored a number of his films including “Vertigo” and “Psycho,” in the capacity of “sound consultant.” Source music in the film will include the first of Claude Debussy’s “Deux Arabesques,” which Tippi Hedren's character plays on the piano, and "Nickety Nackety Now Now Now" by folk musician Chubby Parker, which is sung by a group of schoolchildren as birds gather ominously in the recess area outside.


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