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JFK Orders Flags Lowered to Half Staff to Honor Mrs. Roosevelt

Nov. 8, 1962 - President Kennedy ordered all U.S. flags lowered to half-staff throughout the world today in tribute to Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, who died at her home in New York yesterday at the age of 78. The order marked the first time the flag has been ordered at half-staff in honor of a President’s widow. Mr. Kennedy will attend Mrs. Roosevelt’s funeral at Hyde Park, N.Y., on Saturday. Former President Harry S. Truman and Mrs. Truman left Independence, Mo., yesterday by train to be in Hyde Park in time for the rites. President Kennedy will be accompanied by Vice President Johnson and members of the Cabinet. A delegation from the U.N. will include Adlai E. Stevenson, U.S. representative. Mr. Stevenson was a close friend of Mrs. Roosevelt’s.


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