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Khrushchev Makes First Speech Since JFK Assassination

Dec. 3, 1963 - Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev said today that he was satisfied with President Johnson’s stated intention to continue President Kennedy’s policy and seek better relations with the Soviet Union. Mr. Khrushchev spoke at a dinner given for him at the Finnish Embassy in Moscow by President Urho Kekkonen of Finland (left), who is visiting the Soviet Union. Premier Khrushchev inserted a short but emphatic passage praising both President Kennedy and President Johnson into a short speech dealing with relations between the Soviet Union and Finland. He said that President Kennedy’s policies “on some questions” had been “in accordance with the interests of a relaxation of international tensions and the improvement of relations with the Soviet Union.” “We note with satisfaction,” he added, “the fact that the new President of the United States, Lyndon Johnson, has stated his intentions to continue the Kennedy policies.” The Soviet leader reiterated his expressions of condolence and indignation over the murder of President Kennedy. The speech tonight was the first by the Premier since the assassination of the President on Nov. 22.


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