Jan. 16, 1963 - The Detroit Lions’ head coach, George Wilson (right), and Alex Karras (#71), all-pro defensive tackle, were summoned to New York today for questioning by NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle following an alleged confession by the player that he had bet on games. The Detroit News said Karras made the admission during a taped television interview last Sunday. Asked whether he had ever bet on a game, Karras was quoted by the newspaper as having replied, “Yes, but who hasn’t?” The taped program, part of an NBC newscast, had not yet appeared on the air. Tom Gallery, NBC sports director, said it probably would be shown this evening or tomorrow. The alleged admission places Karras in violation of a paragraph of the standard player’s contract with the league that allows the commissioner to fine and “suspend for life or indefinitely, and/or to cancel the contract” of a player who bets on a game.
