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Liston Arrested in Denver

Mar. 11, 1964 - Sonny Liston, former heavyweight boxing champion, was arrested last night in Denver by a traffic officer who said Liston was driving 76 miles an hour in a 30-mile-an-hour zone.

Patrolman James Snider said that after stopping Liston’s car, he found that the former champion was carrying a seven-shot .22-caliber pistol with six cartridges and an empty shell. The officer, alone when he stopped Liston’s car, said he had to call another patrol car for help in handcuffing Liston “when he became belligerent.”

Liston was taken in handcuffs to police headquarters. Patrolman Snider said he charged Liston with reckless and careless driving, speeding, carrying a concealed weapon, and driving without a valid Colorado operator’s license.

Liston was booked at the jail but gained his immediate release by posting $300 bond, Mr. Snider said. The officer, 5-10 and 185 pounds, said he did not know who Liston was “until I got down to headquarters and one of the other officers who knew him said, ‘Hello Sonny.’”


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