Nov. 25, 1963 - The first two letters Lyndon Baines Johnson signed as President were to the two children whose father was buried today at Arlington National Cemetery. Mr. Johnson wrote the letters to Caroline Kennedy and John F. Kennedy Jr. last Friday just after his return from Texas, only a few hours after he had been sworn in to succeed their father. Mr. Johnson’s letter to the late President’s son reads: “Dear John — It will be many years before you understand fully what a great man your father was. His loss is a deep personal tragedy for all of us, but I wanted you particularly to know that I share your grief — You can always be proud of him.” It is signed “affectionately,” as is the next letter. “Dearest Caroline — Your father’s death has been a great tragedy for the Nation, as well as for you at this time. He was a wise and devoted man. You can always be proud of what he did for his country.”
