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Maris and Yankees Not Seeing Eye to Eye on Contract

Feb. 18, 1962 - Salary negotiations between Roger Maris and the Yankees took a turn for the worse today. Actually, Maris does not have to sign his contract until a week from today, when the infielders and outfielders report for spring training. And since Roger has been busy with the motion picture “Safe at Home,” in which he is co-starring with Mickey Mantle, General Manager Roy Hamey has not pressed the matter. However, when asked today whether he expected to come to terms this week, Maris replied: “Don’t ask me, ask the club. They know what I want. And if they’re not worried, it certainly won’t worry me.” Roger is understood to be asking for $75,000. The club has stopped at $60,000. Onlookers are puzzled why Maris, who may make almost $200,000 this year in the wake of his 1961 record of 61 homers, is fussing over $15,000. But Roger can be strong-willed. Asked whether his stand was prompted by principle, he replied, “You might call it that.” He earned $37,000 from the Yankees last year. Mickey Mantle, who finished seven homers behind Maris, has signed for 1962 for a salary of $85,000.


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