Mar. 27, 1963 - Policemen armed with shotguns and a police dog today broke up a Negro demonstration in Greenwood, Miss., staged to protest an attack on a home. Last night at 10:30 p.m., unidentified people fired two blasts of buckshot into the home of Dewey Greene Sr., a Negro paperhanger. It was the fifth such incident in Leflore County in recent months. Key leaders of a voter registration campaign in Leflore County were among 11 persons arrested today and jailed on charges of disorderly conduct. Despite the arrests, groups of Negroes filed into the Leflore County Courthouse and waited quietly for their turn to apply for registration as voters. Angry whites clustered on street corners in the vicinity of the courthouse and threatened openly to take the law into their hands. About 20 sullen men on the courthouse sidewalk told Karl Fleming, a Newsweek reporter from Atlanta, that “a camera strap would make a damned good noose to hang you with.” They muttered other threats against Mr. Fleming and New York Times reporter Claude Sitton, telling them they had best leave town. “We killed Indian babies to take this country, and now they want us to give it away to the n*****s,” said a man.
