May 20, 1963 - In the wake of an early morning shooting attack on two Profaci mobsters, Brooklyn detectives last night rounded up the ambitious hoodlum Larry Gallo, his brother Al, and 14 members of their gang — along with a young woman and a large assortment of guns. Wounded in a hail of rifle shots as they drove along Bond Street were Alphonse D’Ambrosio, 38, and Carmine Persico (pictured top), 30, both of Brooklyn. (Pictured bottom, Patrolman James Gannon points out bullet hole in the windshield of the car.) At the Sheepshead Bay station, where he was directing the investigation, Deputy Chief Inspector James E. Knott, commander of Brooklyn South detectives, told reporters early today he believed the two men who pulled off the attempted execution were among those under questioning. The Gallo brothers, picked up with six of their henchmen, were under questioning at the Snyder Ave. station. The two wounded Profaci hoods were both reported in fair condition at Kings County Hospital. Persico — one of the strongarm men involved in the brutal Copacabana beating of Gallo henchman Sidney Slater in January of last year — was hit in the mouth, shoulder, and hand. D’Ambrosio escaped with wounds in the shoulder and hand. The two men were silent as to who may have shot them. The only talking they did was to ask for help when they were taken into Holy Family Hospital.
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