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NAACP Lawyer Talks Civil Rights Strategy for '62

Jan. 20, 1962 - Legal activity for civil rights this year will include an all-out desegregation drive in Mississippi, more numerous defenses of protest demonstrations, and moves to further school integration, according to Jack Greenberg (pictured), director of the legal defense and education fund of the NAACP. “Within the next year or two,” he said, “Mississippi will cover ground that took decades for the rest of the South.” He said legal inroads would be made on segregated public facilities such as hospitals, parks, beaches, and transportation, “and in the near future, public education.” The defense fund will be used for all persons convicted in sit-in demonstrations in segregated facilities. So far, Mr. Greenberg said, the fund has been used in 2,400 sit-in and 350 Freedom Ride cases.


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