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NFL: Paul Hornung Adjusting to Army Life

Jan. 13, 1962 - Paul Hornung (second from right), the most valuable player in the National Football League this year, is currently on active Army duty at Fort Riley, Kansas. “He hasn’t asked for anything and doesn’t expect any favors,” says the company commander, Capt. Melvin Heyn of Fargo, N.D. Lieut. Duane Dinius, the platoon leader for whom Hornung drives a jeep, describes him as a “real fine boy, a normal every-day fellow. I’d say he’s an average G.I.” From the enlisted men comes this almost universal comment: “He’s just one of the gang.” Although reticent about Army life, Hornung has this to say: “It’s a hardship, but like everybody else I have an obligation to the United States, which is above everything. You are much better off if you accept it and not sit around feeling sorry for yourself.” He admittedly is disappointed he can’t do more to capitalize financially on the big season he had, but he adds: “I feel very lucky. All I have to do is look around me. Some of these guys served two or three years and then were recalled. Many are married and have kids. I’m not married and don’t have those responsibilities to worry about.”


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