June 23, 1963 - More than 1,000,000 cheering Rhinelanders turned out today to give President Kennedy a “herzlich willkommen” — a heartfelt welcome. Throngs of Germans lined highways, streets, and open squares and chanted “Ken-ne-DEE! Ken-ne-DEE!” Mr. Kennedy arrived 10 minutes early at Wahn Airport between Cologne and Bonn, where he received a 21-gun salute, reviewed units of the new West German military forces, and was greeted by thousands of persons who had been admitted to the airfield. He and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer left together in an open car. The masses of people lining the 35 miles of highway from the airport to Cologne and then to Bonn and Bad Godesberg applauded wildly as the President’s motorcade passed. Mr. Kennedy acknowledged the applause by frequently standing and waving at the crowd. The President’s trip has been billed in West Germany as a “visit to the German people.” Mr. Kennedy got off to a good start today — about 20 million West Germans watched him on television. President Kennedy will spend Wednesday in West Berlin, where he will speak twice and visit the Berlin wall. After leaving Germany, Mr. Kennedy will spend three days in Ireland, a day and a half in Britain, and two to three days in Italy. Then he will return to Washington.
