June 11, 1962 - The Yankees, fighting to break a batting slump and remain in first place, and the Orioles, frustrated by their poor record, snapped under the strain at the Stadium today and produced one of the stormiest demonstrations in recent years at the old Bronx ballpark. An hour before the Orioles won the rubber match of the series, 5-3, home plate became a battleground for 20 angry players and their managers and coaches. A police lieutenant and two city patrolmen rushed onto the field to restore order. The fourth-inning skirmish was precipitated when John “Boog” Powell (pictured), a Baltimore outfielder, was hit in the head by a pitch, and Roger Maris nearly became a similar victim. The melee resulted in the ejection of Ralph Houk and Billy Hitchcock, the Yankee and Oriole managers, who tossed punches at each other but landed none.
