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Oswald’s Widow Wishes to Remain in U.S.

Dec. 6, 1963 - The Russian-born widow of Lee Harvey Oswald was quoted today as saying she “wants to be an American and continue to live here.” The report came from Mrs. Leona Williamson, a 25-year-old Fort Worth housewife who has started a fund for the wife and two children of President Kennedy’s alleged slayer, who was later shot to death. Mrs. Williamson said contributions for the widow, Marina, totaled $7,700. Mrs. Williamson said Secret Service agents, who visit her home almost daily, reported that figure even as contributions continued to pour in. The Secret Service agents are still guarding Marina Oswald, and all contributions are channeled through them. Mrs. Williamson quoted an agent, who turned some money over to Mrs. Oswald, as saying: “She [Mrs. Oswald] just broke down and cried. She said, in broken English, ‘I didn’t believe the people in America, that people anywhere could be this nice.’” Mrs. Williamson said the agents described the 22-year-old Mrs. Oswald as “a very nice, highly intelligent woman who is real enthusiastic to learn the ways of America — she wants to be an American and continue to live here.”


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