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President and Children Welcome First Lady Home

Oct. 17, 1963 - Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, tanned and beaming, received a warm welcome home tonight from the President and their two children. The plane bringing Mrs. Kennedy home from a 16-day vacation in Europe and North Africa touched down at National Airport this evening. Caroline, 5, quietly held her father’s hand most of the time. But John Jr., who will be three on November 25, was more impatient and shouted: “There’s mommy!” President Kennedy and the children then entered the plane and embraced her. Caroline gave her mother a gift-wrapped clay birds’ nest made in her White House first grade class. Mrs. Kennedy left Washington on the evening of Oct. 1 on a vacation that took her to Greece, Turkey, and Morocco. She returned by way of Paris, arriving at New York’s Idlewild Airport and transferring to the family plane, the Caroline, for the flight to Washington. In Paris during the day, Mrs. Kennedy purchased a number of Dior neckties for her husband. She received a large bouquet of orchids with the compliments of President de Gaulle, who is on a state visit to Iran. White House officials had described her Mediterranean vacation as a “needed change of scenery.” Mrs. Kennedy was still recovering from the Caesarean birth and then death of an infant son, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, last August.


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