Mar. 13, 1962 - President Kennedy warned wealthy and powerful interests in Latin America today that “those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” He issued the warning at a White House reception for Latin-American Ambassadors and hemisphere economic experts. The reception was staged to commemorate the first anniversary of the Alliance for Progress program for the hemisphere’s development. The diplomats broke into applause when the President recalled that “for too long” the U.S. — “the wealthiest nation on a poor continent” — had failed to carry out its responsibilities in the hemisphere. “We have now accepted that responsibility,” the President said. “In the same way,” he continued, “those who possess wealth and power in poor nations must accept their own responsibilities. They must lead the fight for those basic reforms which alone can preserve the fabric of their own societies.” The President’s remarks reflected the Administration’s concern over delays on the part of many Latin-American nations in implementing fundamental reforms as their contribution to the Alliance program.
