Aug. 10, 1963 - President Kennedy, sorrow etched on his face, buried his infant son, Patrick Bouvier, today after simple services and a moving farewell at the side of the grave. Only the closest members of the Kennedy family were with the Chief Executive at the Mass of the Angels said for the child by Richard Cardinal Cushing at his residence and later at the cemetery in suburban Brookline, Mass. (Pictured below is the President immediately following the Mass with his mother-in-law, Mrs. Hugh Auchincloss, and his brother, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy). The graveside service took just a few minutes, and the mourners then moved back to give the President a final moment with the son who died yesterday after living just 39 hours. The President moved close to the little white casket and placed his hand on the cover for a moment, his head bowed in grief. Then he turned away and followed the other members of the party to the waiting cars. Mr. Kennedy flew immediately back to Otis Air Force Base to be with his sorrowing wife, Jacqueline, 34, who is recuperating at the hospital there from the Caesarean section she underwent Wednesday. The surgery prevented her from attending the funeral services with the President. The Kennedys’ two other children, 5-year-old Caroline and 2-year-old John Jr., remained at the summer White House in Hyannis Port. The only family adults other than the First Lady who did not attend the funeral were the President’s father, 74-year-old Joseph P. Kennedy, who is still suffering the effects of a stroke; the President’s mother, Rose, who is in Europe and was urged by the President not to fly back; the Attorney General’s wife, Ethel, and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s wife, Joan, who were with their children at Cape Cod; and Peter Lawford, the President’s brother-in-law, who was at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port.
