Nov. 15, 1963 - President Kennedy made a surprise visit this morning to the national convention of the Catholic Youth Organization and delighted the 5,000 delegates and clergymen who hastily convened to greet him. The President had come to the C.Y.O. convention at the New York Hilton Hotel directly from the Americana hotel down the block, where he had addressed the A.F.L.-C.I.O. convention (pictured). The Catholic youngsters waited for him in the grand ballroom of the Hilton. At 11:40 a.m. the door to the balcony above the ballroom opened, and the President strode in. There was an ear-splitting cheer. “Fellow members of the C.Y.O.,” the President began when the cheers died down. After the tumultuous welcome, it seemed the natural thing to say. Later, however, C.Y.O. officials said cautiously that there “would be no comment” on the President’s membership. But it seemed he would be ineligible on at least two counts: he is married, and he is over 25. After his salutation, the President said he was pleased to see the nuns in the audience. “It is my experience that monsignors and bishops are all Republicans, while sisters are all Democrats,” he remarked. On the way out after his speech, Mr. Kennedy reached over the linked arms of policemen to shake hands with members of the crowd pressing around him.
