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President Kennedy Telephones Dr. King’s Wife, Coretta Scott King

Apr. 15, 1963 - Mrs. Coretta Scott King said today President Kennedy had told her he hoped the change of government in Birmingham might speed the release of her husband, Dr. Martin Luther King, from jail. The President noted that Albert Boutwell, Alabama’s former Lieutenant Governor, had assumed office as Mayor. He expressed hope that the new city administration would resolve the racial controversy and thus enable Dr. King to go free. President Kennedy telephoned her this afternoon from Palm Beach, Fla., she said, primarily to reassure her concerning the welfare of Dr. King. Mr. Kennedy had FBI agents visit Dr. King in prison, and he also arranged for him to call her, Mrs. King added. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy called Mrs. King yesterday. Mrs. King said: “Today, the President said if I had any anxiety or concern, to feel free to call him or the Attorney General.” Mrs. King said her husband phoned her about 40 minutes after her talk with the President. “He sounded fine,” she said. “He was glad to get a chance to talk with the family.”


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