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President Kennedy to Swing through Florida Tomorrow

Nov. 17, 1963 - President Kennedy (pictured at Cape Canaveral yesterday) will make a “nonpolitical” swing through Florida tomorrow and will then address a dinner in Miami Beach sponsored by the Inter-American Press Association. The meeting will be attended by more than 400 newspaper editors from North and South America. White House aides described the speech as a major foreign policy message that will deal largely with Latin America. The President will be making his six-stop swing through Florida at a time of growing Republican sentiment in the state and elsewhere in the South. Mr. Kennedy will visit Texas later this week. There is growing support in both states for Senator Barry Goldwater, the Arizona Republican and current front-runner for the Republican Presidential nomination. Mr. Kennedy lost Florida to Richard M. Nixon in 1960 by 46,776 votes. State Democratic leaders, including Sen. George Smathers, a close friend of the President, are seeking to reverse this outcome in 1964. Mr. Kennedy will fly to Tampa in the morning, after a weekend in Palm Beach, to address the Florida Chamber of Commerce and about 1,200 delegates to a regional Steelworkers Union meeting. He will then fly to Miami for an airport rally expected to attract up to 10,000. The press association speech will follow.


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