Feb. 8, 1962 - President Kennedy got a mile-swim certificate and a little altered history from the Boy Scouts of America today. Mr. Kennedy, once a Boy Scout, is honorary president of the organization. Today he welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Fair and their four children, from Bartlesville, Okla., who had been chosen the nation’s “scouting family of the year.” From 12-year-old Bill Fair, Mr. Kennedy received the mile-swim card. The President read the inscription, “This is to certify that John Fitzgerald Kennedy swam a full mile under safe conditions.” The “safe conditions” brought laughter from Mr. Kennedy and a crowd of onlookers. The card was backdated to Aug. 2, 1943, when Mr. Kennedy swam to shore in the Pacific, pulling a wounded crewman after the torpedo boat he commanded had been run down by a Japanese destroyer.
