Sept. 28, 1963 - President Kennedy retreated to the desert for a rest today after climaxing a grueling nationwide tour with a declaration that America must continue to work for peace while remaining militarily strong. Addressing one of the most receptive crowds of his 5-day, 11-state trip in the Las Vegas Convention Center, Mr. Kennedy (pictured en route to the Center) stated that there is “nothing inconsistent” in the nation pursuing peace at the same time it builds its defenses. The President’s argument appeared directed at critics of the nuclear test-ban treaty who contend that a powerful military posture is the sole protector of free world security. From Las Vegas, the President moved on to Palm Desert, where he will stay in Bing Crosby’s house until midnight tonight, when he will fly back to Washington. About 3,000 persons greeted Mr. Kennedy when he arrived at Palm Springs at 2:43 p.m. in 115-degree weather. After shaking a few hands, he drove off in an open car to the Crosby home. Mr. Kennedy planned to spend the weekend relaxing and swimming.
