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Movies: "Cleopatra" Resumes Filming

July 6, 1961 - Twentieth Century-Fox announced today that a fresh start would be made to film the movie "Cleopatra" in Rome and Egypt in September. The film stars Elizabeth Taylor. The movie has so far cost Hollywood $5 million and returned nothing but headaches. Originally started in Britain last October, it was plagued from the beginning. There was a union row over Miss Taylor's hairdresser, the star had a string of illnesses, the British weather would not cooperate, and Rouben Mamoulian, the director, resigned and was replaced by Joseph Mankiewicz. After Miss Taylor's brush with death in a London clinic and an unsuccessful second attempt to get the movie rolling, Fox announced the movie would still be made, but not in Britain. #movienight #movietime #movie #movies #film #films #classicmovies #celebrities


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