Jan. 29, 1963 - The Soviet literary world mourned the death of Robert Frost (pictured speaking to Premier Nikita Khrushchev last summer) today as writers and poets joined in expressing profound sorrow, calling him a “great poet and charming man.” Tass, the Soviet News agency, reported that the Soviet Writers’ Union sent a message to Frost’s relatives expressing “sincere condolences at the heavy loss suffered by world poetry with the death of this outstanding poet.” Frost made a hit with the Russians when he visited the Soviet Union last summer with Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall. His friendly jabs at Premier Khrushchev and communism were received with good nature. Premier Khrushchev said he was “deeply grieved” about the death of Mr. Frost. In a message to Mr. Frost’s family, he said: “The name of Frost and his poems, full of love for the simple man, are widely known in our country, and we were glad to greet him here last year as a messenger of good will, as a continued advocate of friendship between our nations. Please accept the expression of my sincerest sympathy on this big loss.”
