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Tens of Thousands Arrive for D.C. March

Aug. 27, 1963 - A vanguard of tens of thousands of Americans arrived tonight for the civil rights march on Washington D.C. The mass demonstration is intended to press for equal rights and the end of discrimination in jobs, housing, schools, and other fields. Negroes and whites from all over the country were due to pour in by train, bus, automobile, plane, and on foot for the march starting tomorrow morning. Nobody could say how many there would be. The city was ready for 100,000 to 150,000 demonstrators. The Weather Bureau forecast fair and not too humid weather for the march, with a high of 84 degrees. The capital awaited the marchers with a degree of uneasiness, although the preparations were elaborate and impressive. The 10 leaders of the march have called upon all who participate to maintain dignity and order. Both President Kennedy and local police have said they expect no trouble. About 6,000 police, firemen, and auxiliary groups have been assigned to the demonstration. In addition, 4,000 troops released by the Defense Department will be on alert nearby.


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