July 23, 1963 - A film in which President Kennedy and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy discuss Governor George Wallace in connection with the desegregation of the University of Alabama is being planned for televising. The documentary, made last month in the Kennedys’ offices with their permission, will be shown by ABC-TV. The hour-long film, which allots more footage to the Attorney General than to his brother, the President, shows the two men and their aides in decision-making conferences discussing how to proceed in registering two Negroes on the University of Alabama campus at Tuscaloosa. The White House has not seen the film, now being edited in New York, but according to one source, it is “good inside stuff” that will not win the President any votes in Alabama. But the film also allows Governor Wallace to get in some licks. While camera crews filmed the Kennedys in Washington, another crew was at work in Alabama recording actions and comments of the Governor. The program is being produced by Robert Drew, an independent documentary filmmaker. The working title of the documentary is “Crisis.”
