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“Two Women” Film Cut for T.V. Presentation

Nov. 12, 1964 - Station WOR-TV New York has eliminated scenes from a Sophia Loren movie it will present Sunday because of objections from viewers to a preview trailer presented this week. The Italian motion picture, “Two Women,” was released to theaters in the U.S. in 1961.

On Monday, a one-minute excerpt from it in which a mother portrayed by Miss Loren and her daughter are sexually attacked was presented over Channel 9. Some viewers telephoned the station to protest, and the trailer was withdrawn. Today, a station spokesman said:
“A part of the rape scene has been eliminated, but a deliberate effort was made to retain the quality of the picture. We wanted to meet the objection of persons who telephoned, so minor editing was made.”

“Two Women,” for which Miss Loren won an Academy Award, will be televised at 7:30 p.m.

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