Feb. 18, 1963 - In Oconto County, Wisconsin, this morning, a 16-year-old high school student was taken into custody after the bodies of 5 members of his family were found shot to death in their home. The youth, Harry Hebard, has been charged in the slaying of his father Jack Hebard, 37, his stepmother, Joyce Hebard, a 15-year-old stepbrother, John Rudell, and his twin stepsisters, Janice and Judy Rudell, 11. Juvenile jurisdiction in the case has been waived. Young Hebard was taken into custody shortly before noon after a search that began about 7 a.m. when the bodies were discovered. He was quoted as saying he killed them because he “had a general feeling of being left out of the family circle.” Each of the victims had been shot in the head. Hebard is the first documented teenage mass murderer in Wisconsin history.
