1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Governor Brown Trumpets California Over New York
Nixon Says He’s Out of Politics for Good
Nov. 7, 1962 - Richard Nixon's "Last Press Conference"
Mixed Reports on California Gubernatorial Race
Nixon Accuses Brown of Smears
President Swims with Awestruck Californians in Santa Monica
Video: President Kennedy in Los Banos
President Kennedy Attends Ceremonies in Los Banos, California
Aug. 18, 1962 - JFK in Fresno
Aug. 17, 1962 - JFK Speaks at Castle Air Force Base in California
Nixon Brings Back Chotiner for Showdown with Gov. Brown
Nixon Agrees To Debate Gov. Brown in California Gubernatorial Race
California Governor Brown Formally Declares Candidacy for Re-election, Hits Nixon
Nixon's California Campaign Gets Rolling
Fire Safety Engineer Points out Wooden Shingles on L.A. Homes
Fireman Still Battle California Blaze
Nixon Forced to Abandon Home Amidst Fire
Enormous Fire Rages in Southern California
Nixon: I'm Not Afraid of JFK
Nixon to Run for Governor of California