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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

Sep 6, 2021
Russians Explode Nuclear Device East of Stalingrad
Sept. 6, 1961 - The Atomic Energy Commission announced today that the Soviet Union had detonated a fourth nuclear device in the...

Sep 5, 2021
De Gaulle: West Must Resist Soviet "Totalitarian Empire"
Sept. 5, 1961 - President de Gaulle of France urged today that the West firmly resist, by force if necessary, the menace of the Soviet...

Sep 5, 2021
🚨Kennedy Orders Resumption of Nuclear Weapons Tests
Sept. 5, 1961 - President Kennedy ordered today the resumption of nuclear weapons tests by the United States. He specified that the tests...

Sep 4, 2021
Soviet Premier Khrushchev Plays Art Critic for a Day
Sept. 4, 1961 - Premier Khrushchev went on record today as favoring art that depicted a cow as a cow. Lifting a champagne glass at the...

Sep 4, 2021
Americans Coast to Coast Fear Nuclear War
Sept. 4, 1961 - From New York to Los Angeles, civil defense authorities report a rise in the American citizen's fear of nuclear war....

Sep 4, 2021
🚨Soviets Explode Second Nuclear Bomb in Three Days
Sept. 4, 1961 - A new Soviet nuclear test took place early today over Central Asia, the Atomic Energy Commission announced. It was the...

Sep 2, 2021
Most Americans See No Protection Against Nuclear 'Super-Bomb'
Sept. 2, 1961 - If the respondents to a New York Times survey are typical, Americans feel that protection against a Russian super-bomb at...

Sep 2, 2021
Truman: Soviets "Greatest Bluffers in the World"
Sept. 2, 1961 - Harry S. Truman said today that he did not believe that the Soviet Union's resumption of nuclear weapons tests would lead...

Sep 1, 2021
William Z. Foster, Former Head of U.S. Communist Party, Dead at 80
Sept. 1, 1961 - William Z. Foster, former head of the Communist party of the United States and three-time candidate for the U.S....

Sep 1, 2021
🚨Soviets Resume Testing of Nuclear Weapons
Sept. 1, 1961 - The White House announced today that the Soviet Union resumed the testing of nuclear weapons early this morning by...

Aug 31, 2021
Kennedy Calls Soviet Nuclear Tests "Atomic Blackmail"
Aug. 31, 1961 - The White House declared tonight that the Soviet Union's announcement that it would resume tests of nuclear weapons was...

Aug 31, 2021
Chinese Communists Support Soviet Nuclear Tests
Aug. 31, 1961 - Communist China issued a statement today expressing support for the Soviet Union's decision to resume nuclear tests. The...

Aug 31, 2021
U.S. Undecided on Resuming Nuclear Tests
Aug. 31, 1961 - The U.S. declared itself freed today from its promise not to conduct nuclear tests, but it withheld any decision on the...

Aug 31, 2021
🚨Soviets to Resume Nuclear Tests, Claim to Have "Super-Bomb"
Aug. 31, 1961 - The Soviet Union announced today it would resume testing of nuclear weapons. The Government statement said that Soviet...

Aug 30, 2021
President Kennedy to Send Gen. Lucius Clay to West Berlin
Aug. 30, 1961 - President Kennedy said today that Gen. Lucius D. Clay would return to West Berlin next month as his personal...

Aug 28, 2021
Castro Tells Brazil to Follow Cuba's Example
Aug. 28, 1961 - Cuban Premier Fidel Castro today urged Brazil to set up a guerrilla war against what he termed "reactionary militarists"...

Aug 26, 2021
British Soldiers Escort 12-year-old German Boy past Communist Police to School
Aug. 26, 1961 - Eight British soldiers in a jeep and a small armored scout car escort 12-year-old Erwin Schabe (pictured right) to school...

Aug 26, 2021
British P.M. Macmillan Sees No War over Berlin
Aug. 26, 1961 - British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan (right) said today that the situation in Berlin was "very worrying, but nothing...

Aug 25, 2021
Pentagon Orders 76,500 Reservists to Active Duty
Aug. 25, 1961 - The Pentagon today ordered to active duty 76,500 members of the reserve military forces - 46,500 in the Army, 23,600 in...

Aug 24, 2021
East German Reds Conduct "Campaign of Intimidation and Oppression" on Citizens
Aug. 24, 1961 - The East German Communists are cracking down on their foes in what was described by West Berlin authorities today as a...
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