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1960s Timeline
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Aug 24, 2021
🚨White House Gives Soviets "Solemn Warning" over Berlin
Aug. 24, 1961 - The White House gave the Soviet Government a "solemn warning" today that any Communist interference with Allied access to...

Aug 23, 2021
Western Powers Place 1,000 Troops along Border of East Berlin
Aug. 23, 1961 - The Western powers deployed 1,000 troops of their West Berlin garrison, backed by 10 40-ton U.S. tanks, along the border...

Aug 21, 2021
President Kennedy's Remarks after Johnson's Return (Video)
Aug. 21, 1961 - Here is video of President Kennedy's remarks at the White House upon the return of Vice President Johnson from Berlin:...

Aug 21, 2021
President Kennedy Welcomes Johnson at White House after Vice President's Trip to West Berlin
Aug. 21, 1961 - President Kennedy said today that "difficult weeks and months" lay ahead in maintaining the freedom of West Berlin. But,...

Aug 20, 2021
With U.S. Aid, South Vietnamese Army Gaining on Communists
Aug. 20, 1961 - The South Vietnamese Army, equipped and trained by the U.S. in new jungle warfare tactics, is reported to have assumed...

Aug 20, 2021
Johnson Greets U.S. Troop Reinforcements in West Berlin
Aug. 20, 1961 - Fifteen hundred additional U.S. troops arrived in West Berlin today. The grateful city poured out its heart to them and...

Aug 19, 2021
U.S. Battle Group Crosses Into Communist Territory on Way to West Berlin
Aug. 19, 1961 - The United States Army battle group ordered to reinforce Allied forces in West Berlin crossed into Communist territory at...

Aug 19, 2021
Johnson Pledges Loyalty to People of West Berlin
🚨Aug. 19, 1961 - Vice President Johnson pledged to the people of West Berlin today that the U.S. would never forget its obligations to...

Aug 18, 2021
Johnson Flies to West Berlin to Reassure Germans Amidst Crisis
Aug. 18, 1961 - Vice President Johnson flew to West Berlin today as President Kennedy's special envoy with assurances for the German...

Aug 18, 2021
Kennedy Orders Battle Group of 1,500 to West Berlin
Aug. 18, 1961 - President Kennedy (pictured with West Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt in March) today ordered a battle group of 1,500 men to...

Aug 17, 2021
South Vietnamese Army Kills over 100 Viet Cong near Saigon
Aug. 17, 1961 - For the second time in a month, the South Vietnamese army (pictured) registered a victory over the Communist guerrillas...

Aug 16, 2021
West Berlin Mayor Wants "Words Not Action" from Kennedy
Aug. 16, 1961 - Mayor Willy Brandt (pictured) told President Kennedy in a letter today that West Berlin expected "not merely words but...

Aug 15, 2021
Western Allies Send Formal Protest of Berlin Border Closure to Soviets
Aug. 15, 1961 - The United States, Britain and France formally protested to the Soviet Union today against Communist East Germany's...

Aug 13, 2021
East Germany Accuses West of "Perfidious Agitation"
Aug. 13, 1961 - The quietness of East Berlin's deserted streets was shattered in the early hours of the morning by the screaming of...

Aug 13, 2021
🚨East Germany Closes Border Between East and West Berlin
Aug. 13, 1961 - East Germany closed the border early this morning between East and West Berlin. East German troops stood guard at the...

Aug 12, 2021
South Vietnamese Troops Disrupt "Ho Chi Minh Trail" in Laos
Aug. 12, 1961 - South Vietnamese troop units are reported to be operating in southern Laos to cut the flow of Communist supplies and...

Aug 12, 2021
U.S Commander in Berlin not Worried about Defending Allied Sector
Aug. 12, 1961 - Premier Khrushchev said today that it was "a fairy tale" that the West would fight for West Berlin. But the 5,000-man...

Aug 10, 2021
Soviets Tap Marshal Ivan S. Konev as Commander of Soviet Troops in East Germany
Aug. 10, 1961 - Marshal Ivan S. Konev, former supreme commander of East European forces and one of the leading longtime Communists in the...

Aug 9, 2021
Herbert Hoover 87 Today, Confident in America's Future
Aug. 9, 1961 - Herbert Hoover (center), 31st President of the United States, turned 87 today, and he faces the coming years unafraid,...

Aug 9, 2021
Khrushchev Warns of "Mega-Bomb"
Aug. 9, 1961 - Premier Khrushchev warned today that the Soviet Union was capable of constructing a rocket with an explosive warhead...
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