1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
🚨 Crisis Atmosphere in Washington, Kennedy Radio-TV Address Expected
🚨Thousands of U.S. Marines Arrive in Key West
🚨President Cuts Campaign Short, Evidence of High-Level Activity in Washington
Oct. 19, 1962 - JFK Meets with Joint Chiefs on Soviet Missiles in Cuba
Soviet Equipment Pouring into Cuba
Oct. 18, 1962 - JFK Dictates Account of Meeting on Cuba
U.S. Shifting Navy Jet Fighters to Florida
U.S. Officials on Algerian Premier: Not Surprised by Betrayal
In Cuba, Algerian Premier Turns on U.S.
Algerian Premier Arrives in Cuba
Ike Continues Attack on Kennedy Administration
U.S. Continues Surveillance of Cuba
President Kennedy Meets with British Foreign Secretary
Nixon Answers Questions on T.V.
Castro Aide Warns U.S.: “The Missiles Will Fly”
Gromyko Warns U.S. on Cuba
Congress Endorses Force, if Necessary, on Cuba
Nixon Calls for Cuba Quarantine
Goldwater Hits President on Cuba
Sept. 13, 1962 - JFK Statement on Cuban Situation