1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Castro Celebrates One-Year Anniversary of "Imperialism's Defeat" at Bay of Pigs
Kennedy: U.S. Won't Negotiate for Cuban Prisoners
Bay of Pigs Invaders Convicted of Treason in Cuba
Cuba's Prisoner Trial Continues
2,000 Persons Leave Cuba Every Week
Trial Begins for 1,182 Cuban Prisoners
Nixon Rejects Kennedy's Denial of 1960 Cuban Invasion Briefing
Kennedy Sees No Evidence of Impending Cuban Attack
Nixon Claims Kennedy Flouted Security Restrictions in 1960 Campaign
Cubans Smuggle Red Chinese Opium into U.S.
Castro Urges "Communist Spirit" in Cuba
Castro Rations Rice and Beans in Cuba
Castro Claims Cuba Invented Baseball
Former WWII Soviet General in Command Position in Cuba
Castro Calls Kennedy's Trade Ban "Economic Aggression"
Kennedy Bans Most Trade with Cuba
President Kennedy to Ban Cuban Imports
President Kennedy Pleased with OAS Exclusion of Cuba
Organization of American States Votes Cuba Out
Rusk Urges Vigilance on Cuba