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1960s Timeline
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Oct 13, 2023
Ribicoff “Almost Sure” President Kennedy Will Debate Opponent Next Year
Oct. 13, 1963 - A leading Democratic Senator and former member of President Kennedy’s cabinet said today he is “almost sure” Mr. Kennedy...

Oct 12, 2023
President Kennedy Speaks on Columbus Day
Oct. 12, 1963 - President Kennedy, about 100 Italian-Americans, and a few Spaniards celebrated Columbus Day today with an informal...

Oct 12, 2023
First Lady Visits Delphi
Oct. 12, 1963 - Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy visited the ruined temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece today. The First Lady shook hands and...

Oct 10, 2023
Former President Truman Interviewed on His Morning Walk
Oct. 10, 1963 - Former President Harry S. Truman, on his morning walk in New York City today, said that South Vietnamese First Lady...

Oct 10, 2023
President Kennedy Presides at NASA Ceremony
Oct. 10, 1963 - President Kennedy called for greater appreciation of the importance of the space program today as he awarded one of the...

Oct 9, 2023
Highlights of President Kennedy’s Press Conference
Oct. 9, 1963 - Following are the highlights of President Kennedy’s news conference today: Wheat — He cleared the way for sale of $250...

Oct 9, 2023
President Kennedy Receives Physical Education Award
Oct. 9, 1963 - President Kennedy was given a bronze statuette for his desk today, but he was ahead of the donors — he already had one,...

Oct 7, 2023
Nixon Blames Civil Rights Crisis on President Kennedy
Oct. 7, 1963 - Richard M. Nixon charged today that the “civil rights crisis is to a great extent” President Kennedy’s fault. He said the...

Oct 7, 2023
President Kennedy Signs Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Oct. 7, 1963 - President Kennedy signed documents ratifying the limited nuclear test-ban treaty today, calling the pact a “beginning” —...

Oct 5, 2023
President and Aides Confident about Prospects for Re-Election
Oct. 5, 1963 - President Kennedy and his top political aides are reasonably optimistic about his prospects for re-election. They reached...

Oct 5, 2023
Another Buddhist Monk Burns Himself To Death
Oct. 5, 1963 - The political and religious crisis in South Vietnam deepened today when another Buddhist monk burned himself to death —...

Oct 4, 2023
First Lady Sets Sail for Turkey
Oct. 4, 1963 - Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy (pictured yesterday in Greece) set sail from Greece tonight on an Aegean cruise to Turkey on...

Oct 4, 2023
President Kennedy’s Upcoming Out-of-Town Schedule
Oct. 4, 1963 - President Kennedy (pictured yesterday at Little Rock Air Force Base), just back from a one-day trip to Arkansas, has at...

Oct 3, 2023
President Kennedy Dedicates Dam in Arkansas
Oct. 3, 1963 - President Kennedy, visiting Arkansas to dedicate a dam in the “new South,” heard his civil rights proposals branded as...

Oct 2, 2023
First Lady Leaves on Mediterranean Vacation
Oct. 2, 1963 - Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy departed last night for a two-week vacation in Greece and the Mediterranean. The First Lady’s...

Oct 1, 2023
Emperor Haile Selassie Welcomed to Washington by President and Mrs. Kennedy
Oct. 1, 1963 - Emperor Haile Selassie, who became ruler of a nation before John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born, arrived in Washington today...

Sep 28, 2023
President Rests at Bing Crosby’s Home
Sept. 28, 1963 - President Kennedy retreated to the desert for a rest today after climaxing a grueling nationwide tour with a declaration...

Sep 27, 2023
President Kennedy Enters Homestretch of Western Tour
Sept. 27, 1963 - President Kennedy entered the homestretch on his tour of the West today, picking up speed and dropping off gifts along...

Sep 26, 2023
President Kennedy Speaks at Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City
Sept. 26, 1963 - In a speech that seemed aimed at such conservative critics as Senator Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.), President Kennedy...

Sep 25, 2023
House Passes Kennedy’s Tax Bill
Sept. 25, 1963 - The House of Representatives passed the President Kennedy’s tax bill today, 271 to 155. The President, at Billings,...
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