1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Ribicoff “Almost Sure” President Kennedy Will Debate Opponent Next Year
President Kennedy Speaks on Columbus Day
First Lady Visits Delphi
Former President Truman Interviewed on His Morning Walk
President Kennedy Presides at NASA Ceremony
Highlights of President Kennedy’s Press Conference
President Kennedy Receives Physical Education Award
Nixon Blames Civil Rights Crisis on President Kennedy
President Kennedy Signs Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
President and Aides Confident about Prospects for Re-Election
Another Buddhist Monk Burns Himself To Death
First Lady Sets Sail for Turkey
President Kennedy’s Upcoming Out-of-Town Schedule
President Kennedy Dedicates Dam in Arkansas
First Lady Leaves on Mediterranean Vacation
Emperor Haile Selassie Welcomed to Washington by President and Mrs. Kennedy
President Rests at Bing Crosby’s Home
President Kennedy Enters Homestretch of Western Tour
President Kennedy Speaks at Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City
House Passes Kennedy’s Tax Bill