1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Wallace Accelerates Federal-State Showdown over School Integration
President Kennedy Subscribes to “Domino Theory”
Robert Kennedy Interviewed on NBC-TV
Kennedy Clan Gathers in Hyannis Port
President Kennedy Celebrates Father’s 75th Birthday
President Kennedy Chats with Goldwater
JFK Welcomes King Mohammad Zahir and Queen Homaira of Afghanistan
RFK: We’ll Use Troops in Alabama if Necessary
JFK: Civil Rights Could Hurt Reelection Chances
Walter Cronkite Interviews President Kennedy on CBS-TV
Wallace Prevents Desegregation of Alabama Schools
President Kennedy First Guest on Walter Cronkite’s Half-Hour News Program
Superman and JFK Team Up to Fight Flab
JFK to Students: Your Services “Vitally Needed”
Ike Intends to Play Active Role in Selecting ’64 GOP Nominee
House Slashes Foreign Aid, JFK Angry
Two Youngsters Receive “Pupniks” from White House
JFK Spars with Republicans
JFK: “I Don’t Think Racial Quotas Are a Good Idea”
Oklahoma Governor Says Goldwater Would Carry Texas, Florida, Oklahoma