1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
One Million Rhinelanders Cheer President Kennedy
President Kennedy Leaves for Europe
President Kennedy Meets with Negro Leaders
JFK Visits West Virginia on Centennial
President Kennedy Meets Medgar Evers’ Family at White House
“PT-109” To Premiere at Beverly Hilton July 2
Movies: “PT-109”
President’s Sister, Eunice Shriver, to Accompany Him on European Trip
Civil Rights Organizations Will Continue Demonstrations
🚨JFK Sends Civil Rights Message to Congress, Calls for Action
Democrats Confident They’ll Do Well Enough in South in ‘64
Roy Wilkins Delivers Eulogy at Medgar Evers’ Funeral
Former President Truman Visits President Kennedy at White House
June 13, 1963 | JFK Remarks at National Council of Senior Citizens
JFK Speaks Out on Medicare Legislation
President “Appalled by Barbarity” of Evers Slaying
Izvestia Publishes JFK Speech for Soviet Citizenry
President Kennedy’s Race Speech Was Seventh Televised Address
🚨President Kennedy Makes Televised Speech on Race Relations
President Kennedy Sends Governor Wallace Sternly Worded Telegram