1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Arrangements Made for Third Kennedy Child
President Kennedy Pays Respects to Military Dead
President Kennedy is 46
President Kennedy to Celebrate Birthday in Washington
May 24, 1963 | President Kennedy Decorates Astronaut Gordon Cooper
RFK Meets with Southern Theater Owners
President Kennedy Enjoys Premature Birthday Celebration in NYC
JFK Speaks at Battery Park
Khrushchev Warns U.S. on Cuba
JFK Not a Fan of Corporal Punishment
Highlights of President Kennedy’s Press Conference
JFK Hits Back at GOP
RFK Pushes Domestic Peace Corps
JFK Stands Firm on University of Alabama Integration
JFK Jr. Has New Haircut
May 21, 1963 | JFK Presents NASA Medal to Astronaut Gordon Cooper
Cooper Visits Nation’s Capital
May 20, 1963 | JFK Remarks to Participants in W. Virginia Centennial Celebration
Governor Wallace Not for Kennedy in ‘64
JFK Meets with Wallace