1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

President Kennedy Gets Warm Welcome in Nashville

President Kennedy's Nashville Address

President Kennedy Telephones Congratulations to Cooper

Joan Kennedy Has Miscarriage

Malcolm X Criticizes President Kennedy on Race Issue

President Kennedy Pleased with Cooper Launch

Alabama Motorcade Nixed for JFK

President Kennedy Sends Telegram to Governor Wallace

🚨President Kennedy Activates Federal Troops in Alabama

Nuclear Accord Reached Between U.S. and Canada

Vice President Johnson Waits His Turn in the Shadow of JFK

JFK Meets with Committee for “Operation Sail 1964”

President Kennedy Welcomes Cartoonists to White House

President Kennedy Honors Paderewski

May 8, 1963 - JFK Speaks to Foreign Students

President Kennedy Questioned on Churchill Statue

President Kennedy Sees Possible Settlement in Birmingham

President Kennedy Presidents Young American Medals

Former Servicement Sentenced after Pleading Guilty to Kennedy Death Threat

May 4, 1963 - JFK Remarks to VMI Cadets